AngularJS and ExpressJS Example

Hey there, in my free times, I recently created a little webapp using AngularJS with ExpressJS, my idea is create a little template to start with AngularJS and ExpressJS, right now the site contains a login authentication, a dynamic navbar and a CRUD using KendoUI Grid component.

So for the login, I used a little database on mysql to persist the user using the npm-mysql of node, I used ExpressJS to used the HTTP methods and basically this is the complete list of things that I used:



Some screenshots:

angular1 angular2 angular3 angular4

I based the login authentication and the dynamic navbar at the link references at the end of the post. So I would like to receive some feedback or comments or even a pull request to improve the code, in my last commit I added Karma to start the unit tests. If I have some thing of free time I will finish the user account administrator this week =)

The repo of the project it’s here
