
It’s been a long long time that I don’t touch any code so I decided to make a little warm-up doing some exercises and I found this page with a couple stuff and I made the first two tests that I found and these two are supposed to be the easy ones. Also in page you can runtime the sourcecode and the web page give you a score at base of some tests evaluations that they do in the background. I will share the link at the end.

The first test it’s a Palindrome, well, I didn’t know what that word means, but it’s a word that reads the same backward or forward, so I think that this is really cool test exercise to start.

The current description of the requires is the following:

A palindrome is a word that reads the same backward or forward.

Write a function that checks if a given word is a palindrome. Character case 
should be ignored.

For example, IsPalindrome("Deleveled") should return true as character case 
should be ignored, resulting in "deleveled", which is a palindrome since it 
reads the same backward and forward.
public class Palindrome
    public static bool IsPalindrome(string word)
        string forward = "";
        string backward = "";
        bool r = false;

        foreach (char a in word.ToLower())
            forward = forward + a.ToString();
            backward = a.ToString() + backward;

            if (forward == backward)
                r = true;
                r = false;
        return r;          

    public static void Main(string[] args)

This is the project on visual studio, I changed the code a little just to pass my unit tests but basically it’s the same code Source code.

And as always, feel free to comment

Link Reference